A collaboration between seven artists, around a single character - Daria, an intrepid TV reporter from St Petersburg. Accompanied by her loyal cameraman and beloved pet snake, Daria encounters swarms of malevolent angels, the hunt for a corrupt businessman, an escaped tiger, lust at first sight and the curious case of Nina Petrovna’s deceased dog.
PersonaЖ is a new concept for the comics anthology format. Seven artists from different countries come together to design a single character - and then proceed to tell the story of a week in that character's life, with each artists telling the tale of one day, Monday to Sunday.
Monday - Irina Troitskaya (Russia)
Tuesday - Katya Dorokhina (Russia)
Wednesday- Mikkel Sommer (Denmark)
Thursday - Martoz (Italy)
Friday - Andrey Petranin (Russia)
Saturday - Anton Mariinsky (Russia)
Sunday - William Goldsmith (UK)
64-pages, Risograph printed in two colours at Sputnikat HQ on 120gsm Olin Natural White paper, perfect bound.